Friday 18 April 2014

Jews matter. Does anyone else?

Two news items today remind me of the rather perverse nature of the world in which we live.

The first is that Jews in the Ukraine have been ordered to register with the pro-Russian authorities.  It currently appears that this is a hoax, but the press nevertheless seems to be taking it very seriously, as too is the evil government of the USA.

The second is that the war in Iraq is far from over.  The British and American troops may have long since left the country, but the killing continues.

Even if the report of the Jewish registration in Ukraine proves to be true, it would surely be far less deserving of our attention that the ongoing carnage in Iraq.  The gutter press can refer to the holocaust when talking about anything remotely anti-semitic, but do not use the word holocaust to describe the very real killing of innocent people in Iraq.

When Britain and the USA invaded Iraq, how many national newspapers denounced the war as unjust?  I can think of one British newspaper, but even that newspaper did not urge its readers not to vote for any political party which condoned the illegal invasion.

How many Jews condemned the illegal western invasion of Iraq?  Did the government of Israel?

If you vote in elections for warmongers, then you are the scum of the earth.  You have the blood of innocent people on your hands, but maybe you are not capable of caring.

Related previous posts include:
Jew couldn't make it up
Peace for more than just one day
Paxman on war, Hastings on Russia
Cameron visits Israel
A very British holocaust

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