Wednesday 27 November 2013

A very British holocaust

If a dictator in a foreign country were to have thirty thousand people machine-gunned to death, the establishment would almost certainly portray it as a holocaust, or something along those lines.

The United Kingdom kills on average around thirty thousand elderly people every winter by making them freeze to death. I call that a holocaust.

The British government is tackling this holocaust by helping NHS hospitals to prepare to treat the victims of freezing weather, but maybe it would make more sense for people not to have to freeze in the first place.

Related previous posts include:

The next big freeze

Energy sector fat cats

The story of King Ed


  1. I find it disgusting how this evil government is going to finish off the elderly. I find it a joke how they all get to live a bountiful, rich lifestyle whilst sitting on there @sses doing sweet FA. And millions are starving or going cold this winter.

  2. If you're called illegal IMMIGRANT you get your gas & electricity paid for by the generous tax payer. Perhaps we should all go out of the country and come back having destroyed our passports and pretend we don't speak english.
