Saturday 12 October 2013

The next big freeze

It is being reported that we are in for a tough winter, and also that energy bills are rising.  It is therefore no surprise that we are also being told that many people will have to choose between buying food or feeding their homes this winter.

It is also reported, quite reasonably, that the price of energy is in part the result of so-called green policies being forced upon us by our evil government.  Wind turbines are expensive to build, and yet produce very little electricity.  The government is therefore forcing the energy industry to supply us with what is in part at least very expensive electricity.

This is not new, however.  We have known about this for some time now, and yet there is no public clamour for an end to green energy policies.  Not one of the three main parties is currently seeking to bring down energy prices, except for Labour - but Ed Miliband cannot be taken seriously on this point.

Ed is not interested in the root cause of energy price increases.  He merely wants to intervene to hold them down, even though he must realise that mindless state intervention has a long history of failure.

If you support any one of the three main parties, then you are clearly indifferent to the price of electricity and gas.  If you freeze this winter, then that is your choice and yours alone.

Update: it is now being reported that David Cameron is backing a review into his green energy policy, but he nevertheless appears unrepentant about the misery he has caused.

1 comment:

  1. Tony Blair gave the contract for building the next to useless wind turbines( 4000 of which supply less than 5% of the uk demand for electricity) to two companies. A twenty year contract that would see the companies recieve payment whether or not demand was supplied.
    Britain consumes around 3% of global energy production, therefor , any green taxes which have the intention of curbing demand will have little to no effect on total glibal consumption when weighed against the consumption of energy by countries such as China and India, which impose no green taxes.
    Green taxes, attempts to curb consumption will have the effect of pushing up the cost of energy.
    Another five cities the size of Birmingham due to immigration alone over the next twelve years will have a significant impact upon not only energy consumption in the uk but also the increase of green taxes and therefor energy cost.
    These problems will not somehow miraculously resolve themselved by our politicians paying only lip service to them in order to present the image of sincerity, none of the imposters in westminster will either freeze nor go hungry.
    By focusing upon the problems our nation faces as a whole and beimg willing to make the decisions that many presently find uncomfortable, due to decades of liberal moral idealism which if one is being honest has had an effect upon our society which can only be called hamfull and negative.
