Wednesday 4 March 2015

The great paedo cover up continues

It is reported in the press that the government is planning to bring in new laws whereby it will be an imprisonable offence for any social worker or councillor or police officer to conspire in a cover up of paedophile activity.  Here are the facts so far as I can make them out.

According to at least one national newspaper report, Muslim paedophile gangs have been operating in this country since at least 1979, but for most of that time police officers and social workers took no action.  I believe that there may have been a prosecution in 1997, but if so then I don't know any details.

According to a recent report, Muslim paedophile gangs have been operating in Oxfordshire since 1999.  The British National Party found out about Muslim paedophile gangs in Lancashire and West Yorkshire in 2001, and began campaigning for prosecutions to take place, for which they received no praise or recognition from the evil establishment.

In 2004 the BBC secretly filmed the BNP leader Nick Griffin making a speech about paedophile gangs in the Yorkshire town of Keighley, which led to him being prosecuted twice by the evil establishment.  He received no support from any national newspaper, nor any mainstream political party, nor any church leader.

The first prosecutions of Muslim paedophile gang members I am aware of were in the summer of 2009, which by a not remotely curious coincidence was when two members of the British National Party were elected to the European Parliament.

I do not know how many members the British National Party had in 2001, but I imagine it would have been only a few thousand at most.  To suggest that the Labour Party and the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats - with not only far more members, but with councillors and MPs as well - knew nothing about the Muslim paedophile gangs is absurd.  Likewise, to suggest that no one in the Church of England or the national press knew nothing about it strains credibility to the limits.

A new law to imprison people who cover up child abuse will be only as much use as the extent to which it is used.  After all, raping children has been illegal for as long as I can remember, but that didn't stop the establishment doing nothing about it for years.

The reason why the establishment covered up Muslim rapist gangs for many years is because they are evil.  However for anyone wanting a more detailed answer, this Britain First video is instructive:

As it happens, Muhammad did not marry a child, because the real Muhammad is Jesus.  The Muhammad of Islam never existed.

Related previous posts include:
Now study Islam
The Church of England, race, and paedophiles

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