Sunday 6 July 2014

A stupid fuss over immigrant abortions

As a result of open door immigration, large numbers of women in Britain have a cultural dislike of giving birth to daughters.  Not surprisingly, this has led to a rise in gender-selective abortions.

Of course a lot of people in Britain do not have a cultural dislike of daughters, and many of them find gender-selective abortions distasteful.  Nevertheless they are happening and cannot easily be stopped.  Don't believe me?

The government said recently that gender-selective abortions are illegal, but it is reported that the the British Pregnancy Advisory Service has published a pamphlet which claims the exact opposite.  Now consider this quote from another national newspaper:

In Britain abortions are legal only where the mother’s physical or mental health would be risked by continuing the pregnancy, or where the child would suffer ‘seriously’ with physical or mental abnormalities if born.

This means the Abortion Act 1967 technically bans abortions on the grounds of the baby’s sex alone.

So let's get this straight.  If an immigrant woman asks to be referred for an abortion on the grounds of gender-selection, then she will apparently be turned down.  However if she then asks to be referred for an abortion on the grounds that her mental health would otherwise be at risk, then she will be allowed her abortion.

The plain fact is that abortion is available on demand in this country.  Any woman can claim to be at psychological risk, and there is no objective test that her doctor or anyone else is required to carry out in order to assess whether or not she really is at psychological risk.  In fact the government has recently stated that a woman seeking an abortion is not even required to meet either of the two doctors who refer her for an abortion.

In other words the ongoing debate on gender-selective abortion is pointless.

As an aside, it appears that almost ten percent of couples in this country are mixed race.  Nevertheless more than ninety percent are not.  Surely gender-selective abortions among certain immigrant groups are likely to result in a large number of young men from those immigrant groups being celibate for life, and either living their entire lives as virgins or else having sex only with prostitutes.

Let's be honest.  There are only two ways in which to stop gender-selective abortions from happening.  One is to amend the abortion laws so to preclude abortion on demand.  The other is to change the cultural values of the immigrant women who dislike giving birth to daughters.

I repeat: gender-selective abortions cannot easily be stopped.

Update:  an abortionist called Dr Rajmohan has been suspended for three months for persuading a woman who wanted a gender-selective abortion to ask for an abortion for another reason.  It appears that his offence was dishonesty.

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