Saturday 29 June 2013

Stop being nasty to those less fortunate

Here is a comment from a national newspaper about the inability of many young people to afford to buy a house.

I earn £16.5k a year and can't afford to rent a bed-sit. I have been told by older people who had a much easier ride that I am "not trying hard enough". I wasn't aware that the extortionately high price of rent was due to my "lack of trying", and rather thought it was partially down to the same older people buying second and third homes, then renting them out for extortionate prices, but there you go. It's clearly 100% my fault and I should go and flog myself.

If you are one of the nasty people who makes unkind comments about people less fortunate than yourselves, then please stop at once.

Never tell an unemployed person to get a job unless you are offering him a job.

Never tell someone who cannot afford a home to try harder unless you also object to anyone owning more than one home and have no objection to our green fields being turned over to new housing.

Never tell someone who lives in social housing that they should not be in social housing unless you know how hard it is for many people to find anywhere else to live.

If we all behave considerately to one another, then we can all get along just fine.

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